Malawi and horseback riding!

Lake Malawi is infamous for it's bilharzia so many people are hesitant to jump right on into the lake! But me being the huge water lover that I am jumped right in...okay okay okay, only after three intense games of beach volleyball did I then jump right on in! But regardless the water was the perfect temperature and so clear that I could locate my hair tie after it had fallen toward the bottom. The other great characteristic about's wood carvings! So I purchased quite a few...look forward to your present being made from wood! ;) So Malawi is the poorest country in Africa and these men who hassle you to purchase from their stall will do just about anything to get your sale. So I "bartered" in a pair of ski pants, a camera case and my papa's Steeler's cap! These guys were so happy! Their work is incredible all hand-carved...right in front of you if you want! Amazing artisans!
This next paragraph's for you, ABBY!!! I went horseback riding and even cantered!!! I'm not going to lie...I really wasn't in control of my horse! It very much so had control of me! But I had a great time learning how to trot and canter through the bush!! At the end of the ride we rode the horses into the lake...kind of like a dream! Swimming with horses...yet another thing I thought I'd never do?!! OH what a wonderful experience!!!

PS. Don't worry I took the preventative meds for bilhazria, so I'm doing well avoiding African diseases...oh that reminds me I've got to take my anti-malaria pill...


kristie said...

Manali, i've been following along and loving every minute of it!!

katiekat said...

So gave these wood-carving dudes ski pants, a camera case, and your dad's hat? Did I understand that correctly? What a crazy barter! lol! :P

Let's go travelling again together someday :) I'll remind you and Kristin in a year and a half when I got to the South Pacific, Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia...pick a country and come join! haha

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are having this experience!! I miss you! I love reading these stories!! You will have much to share & teach your children!!

Love U,

Unknown said...

Manali rode a horsey!!! Yipee! I remember you telling me you did. I absolutely love that pic. You look excited and scared all at the same time, ha! Wow, swimming via horseback. You're a true cowgirl now ;) Can't wait to have you show me what you learned. Love you!!