Go BIG or Go Home!!!

Whitewater rafting on class III and V rapids on the Nile!! Absolutely killer!!! So amazing!! I can't believe I did it! I do have to publicly thank my heroes Chris (The Life-saving Dutchman) and Tutu (Rafting Guru)!! Without them I wouldn't have had the courage to continue after my first flip!! I flipped on two of the first four rapids and then didn't flip thereafter! On Big Brother there are three rapids back-to-back and four girls in the raft along with four guys, plus Tutu...well we hit the first rapid and all the girls fell out and then the guys fell out on the second rapid!!! I got pummeled by the raft twice and seriously thought I was taking my last breath!!! So incredible!!! I want to do it all over again!!!! On the last section you could go to The Bad Place (where you are guaranteed to flip) or go to 50/50 (self-explanatory) so we decided to test our skills and hit 50/50 and we made it!!! Such a rush!!!! Afterwards, back at the campsite we watched the video and it was hysterical!! Over a grade V waterfall our raft got stuck between two rocks so we had to bounce through it and in the video they sped up the bouncing portion because we were taking so long to get through it!!! In the end we dropped to the bottom of the fall and didn't flip...cause we got skillz baby skillz!!!! I CONQUERED THE NILE!!!


Leesa said...

You go Girlfriend!! You are the best! Kili, The Nile ----- what next??? You can do it all. Miss You!!!!!!!!!

travelj said...

Glad Silverback didn't kick your butt! Or, head. Ears... Keep rockin!

katiekat said...

DUDE!! Is there any way to post that video???

Unknown said...

Get'em Super Woman!!!

Anonymous said...

WHAT a ride !!!!!

Becca said...

Wow manali way to go! you are larger than life right now!!!